This is a 4K image of an artwork created by AdonioGTS, titled The Donation Girl. Purchasing a copy would be considered a donation to support my work, which I can't post here due to policy changes. If you enjoy what I create, I invite you to consider donating so that I can continue to produce more and better pieces for you.
You can choose the amount you’d like to give, starting from just $1 and up—whatever you feel comfortable with.
Thank you for your support.
CONTENT: One 3840 x 6325 pixel size png image.
PRICE: Pay the amount you want.
1 sale
One 3840 x 6325 pixel size png 4k image where the monitor's text, the e-mail Gumroad sent me suspending my account, is clearly legible.
16.4 MB
3840 x 6325 px
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